UK Spouse Visa

The UK Spouses Visa is valid for a period of 33 months and permits a UK citizen or permanent resident to bring their spouse to the UK with the purpose of settlement within the United Kingdom .

What is required?

 The aspirants and therefore the prospective spouse should be a minimum of 18 years aged

Applicants must evince that they're married or registered as civil partners

Evidence that you had simply been both liberal to marry or set foot in your civil partnership, if either of you was previously married or during a civil partnership

The sponsor ought to be present and settled within the UK. If the sponsor it's living abroad he or she must return to UK before or at an parallel time his or her spouse arrives within the UK under Settlement Visa

The sponsor and therefore the eventual spouse must show proof of being financially secure and ready to support living expenses without retrieve the general public funds.

IELTS exam are going to be required for all aspirants, except native English speakers.

Take our free online assessment to discover if you're eligible for a UK Spouses Visa

Schengen Visit Visa


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